Vienna’s 11 most unique Würstelstände: more than a sausage stand
Vienna Würstelstand’s Team says:
“Würstelstand LEO is the oldest dealer of the mighty Würstel in Vienna. The sharp-witted, yet fun-loving owner, Vera is carrying on a family tradition that has been going for generations, so if it’s advice on Würstels your after, she’s the queen. New sausage creations are regularly created here, including a number of vegan alternatives. And we must also mention the “Big Mama” herself – a giant Käsekrainer (which we couldn’t finish and put in our pocket for later). Read more about the story behind Vienna’s oldest Würstelstand, LEO, here.
Sausage selection: Käsekrainer, Burenhäudl, Frankfurter, a vegan Frankfurter and Currwurst, Leberkässemmel, Hühnerschnitzelsemmel, Debreziner – let’s just say they have a massive selection.
They also have: Leberkäse in a bread roll, and chicken schnitzel sandwich
Würstel of choice: the people’s favourite: the Käsekrainer hot dog”